Personal Data
Dr. Nicolodi Francesco Amedeo Alberto
Birthplace: Desio (Milano District)
05 October 1967
status: married
Address: Desio (Milano) - 20033,
via Ottone Visconti 3/a
ITALY (European Community)
Phone: 0362/306188
Office : Desio (MI) - Via Ottone Visconti 3/b
Phone/Fax: 0362/639252
Portable phone:
Other Offices = Via
Roma 208, Montecreto (MO), Phone 0536/63392 - ITALY
Montevideo 3, Erno(CO), Phone 031/917079 - ITALY
School leaving certificate (awarded after five
years of Liceo Classico), near the Liceo Scientifico e Classico "E.
Majorana" of Desio, in the year 1987, with the 39/60 vote.
Degree in Geology, awarded near the Università
degli Studi di Milano (University of Milano), Dipartimento di Scienze della
Terra (Department of Earth Sciences), the 6 March 1997, with 101/110 vote.
Degree thesis in Applied Geology (Hydrogeology) with the following title:
“Evaluation of the water resources in the mountain area of the Montefiorino and
Frassinoro County, Modena District (ITALY)”, and realisation of a geological
map in the same area, with a survey of over 100 Km2 of hilly and mountain territory. Thesis made under the supervision of
Prof. A. Colombetti (University of Milano) and Prof. F. Panini (Univ. of
Member of Italian Order of Geologist, Lombardy
– n° 1161
Member of the National Association of
Environmental Experts (ANEA), n°74
Member of the Italian Society of Environmental
Geology (SIGEA).
Professional Activity
Member of the Board of Directors (from 01
February 1996 – to 10 July 2000) of the Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Alto Lambro:
Public company for the depuration of waste waters; then, for the same company,
member of the Technical and Discipline commissions. At least adviser for the
geological problems.
Collaboration like private geologist (in the
year 1994) with the Studio Geologico dell'Ing. Geol. Pedrozzi, near Pregassona
(Lugano District, Canton Ticino, Switzerland), in which was made geological,
geotechnical and hydrogeological works in the Southern Switzerland.
Collaboration likes private geologist with the
Dr. Geol. Pignedoli Duilio, of Felina (Reggio Emilia District, northern Italy),
in the year 1998, with the execution of Cone Penetration Tests in the Town of
Carpi (Modena district, northern Italy).
Collaboration like private geologist (from 1997
– till now) with the Dr. Prof. A. Colombetti, of Modena (Italy), in which was
made electrical resistivity and piezometric charts near Lodi Town (Lodi
District, northern Italy), geological charts for the Carpineti County (Reggio
Emilia district), 130 infiltration and permeability tests in unsaturated soils
in the Brianza area (Milano, Como and Lecco Districts, northern Italy). In the
year 1998 was made 50 Dynamic Probes with a Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH),
near Camparada (Milano District); in the 1999 the same near Albiate (Milano
district). Actually the collaboration is on a Bioremediation of gasoline
polluted soils near Usmate-Velate (Milano District) and in some Electric
Vertical Tests near Briosco (Milano district).
Collaboration like private geologist (from 1999
– till now) with the Dr. Geol. Cristina Iarabek, with the execution of a
geological, geotechnical and geophysical survey for the remediation of the
Brovarolo Stream, near Carate Brianza (Milano District). In the same stream
execution of an Environmental Engineering project for the restitution to the
“nature”, after the remediation works (Project presented to European Community -
LIFE Funds).
Teacher (from 10 January to 10 February 2000)
of: “Territorial and geological planning” in the “Environmental Audit Course”,
made in Abbiategrasso (Milano district) from the Lombardy Region (ITALY), under
the supervision of European Community.
Execution (2000) of 5 Dynamic Probes and
Geophysical analyses near Castello Brianza (Lecco District).
Execution (2000) of 11 Dynamic Probes at Besana
Brianza (Milano District).
Teacher (2001) of ““0” level computer use” for the School District n° 62 of the
Milano Area.
Hydrogeological (2001) evaluation of the Rio
Bevera near Briosco Town (Milano District).
Research Activity
Founding member, in the year 1999, of the
international research organisation TE.CO.S. (Terrestrial and Cosmic Spheres),
of which he is General Secretary and webmaster of the official internet site.
Co-Supervisor of many degree thesis in the
University of Milano, Department of Earth Sciences.
Participant and chairman in many national and
international conferences, meetings and workshops.
Collaboration (1996 – 2000) in teaching
Hydrogeology and Applied Hydrogeology with Prof. A. Colombetti, near the
University of Milano, Department of Earth Sciences.
Collaboration (2000 – till now) with the
Department of Geological Sciences and Geotechnologies, University of
Milano-Bicocca, like Hydrogeologist.
Elaboration of the following scientific works:
Colombetti A., Ferrari G. e
Nicolodi F. (1997) “Su alcune microsferule metalliche ritrovate all’interno di uno strato
calcareo marnoso, appartenente al Flysch di Romanoro (Unità Sestola -
Vidiciatico), nell’Alto Appennino modenese”.
Ateneo Parmense Acta Naturalia, vol. 33.
Colombetti A., Ferrari G.,
Nicolodi F. e Spezzi Bottani G. (1997) “Note preliminari sulla caratterizzazione geochimica
di un livello pelitico nella Formazione di Monte Venere (Campaniano superiore -
Maastrichtiano superiore), nella zona di Lago di Montefiorino (Provincia di
Modena)”. Ateneo Parmense Acta Naturalia,
vol. 33.
Colombetti A., Ferrari G., Nicolodi F. and Panini F. (1998) “Some metallic spherules in
calcareous marly sediments of the Romanoro Flysch, Sestola - Vidiciatico
tectonic unit (Modena district, Northern Apennines, Italy)”. Planetary and Space Sciences, vol. 46,
Special Paper, Parigi.
Colombetti A. e Nicolodi F.
(1998) “La
sorgente sulfurea di Farneta nella valle del T. Dolo (Prov. di Modena)”. Ateneo
Parmense Acta Naturalia, vol 34.
Colombetti A., Ferrari G.
and Nicolodi F. (1999) “Age Determination of Romanoro Flysch”. First Work. Meet. of TECOS, Castelnovo ne’Monti (RE), Italy
6 - 10 September 1999.
Colombetti A. and Nicolodi F. (1999)
“Terrestrial spheres in northern Apennines sediments”. First Work. Meet. of TECOS, Castelnovo ne’Monti (RE), Italy 6 - 10
September 1999.
Colombetti A. and Nicolodi F. (1999)
“Italian cosmic spheres: status of the art”. PIECE ‘99 Int. Meet. Yamaguchi - Japan, 26 - 30 Sept., 1999.
Colombetti A. e Nicolodi F.
(1999) “Il
lago proglaciale del Cariggi, tra Veduggio con Colzano e Renate (Provincia di
Milano)”. Riv. Brianze, n° 6.
Colombetti A. and Nicolodi
F. (1999). “The Glacial lake of Cariggi Valley in the Brianza Region (Milano
district, Italy)”. Bull. Soc. Geol. of
Estonia, n° 4.
Colombetti A., Nicolodi F.
and Villani C. (1999). “The low-enthalpy thermal waters of Quara
(Reggio Emilia district - Italy)”. Bull.
Soc. Geol. of Estonia, n° 4.
Colombetti A., Nicolodi F. e
Redaelli A. (2000) "Esempi di Biorimediazione, in vasche di lagunaggio, di terreni
inquinati da gasolio". Provincia di
Milano, Convegno Bonifica Dei Siti Contaminati: Le Nuove Frontiere.
Colombetti A. e Nicolodi F. (2000) "Searching
impact spherules in geological boundaries of Northern Italy". 31st Int. Geological Congress -
Rio de Janeiro.
Colombetti A. e Nicolodi F. (2000)
Infiltrometric analyses on unsaturated soils of the Po Plain near Brianza area
(Milano district – Italy). 31st
Int. Geological Congress - Rio de Janeiro.
Colombetti A. and Nicolodi F. (2000)
“Evidences of meteorite impact in a
turbidite sequence of northern Apennines (Modena district - Italy)”. Terrestrial
and cosmic spheres, Proc. Of the 1998 Ann. Meet. TECOS, Ed C.H. Detre - Cult.
Min. of Hungary, pp. 19 - 35.
Colombetti A. e Nicolodi F.
"Inquinamento delle acque di precipitazione meteorica da parte di polveri
sospese: il Caso di Albiate (MI)". Riv.
Brianze, 14.
Ceresoli G., Iarabek C.,
Nicolodi F. e Redaelli A. (in press) "La tomografia elettrica per il risanamento
dei corsi fluviali: il caso del Rio Brovarolo (Comuni di Carate Brianza e
Besana Brianza - Provincia di Milano)". Convegno Geofluid.
Nicolodi F., Borroni M. e
Mandelli C. (in press) "Valutazione della permeabilità verticale, tramite prove
infiltrometriche, nell'area brianzola". Riv. Brianze.
Colombetti A. e Nicolodi F.
(in press)
“Le prove infiltrometriche come mezzo d’indagine del non saturo”. Acque Sotterranee, Ed. Geo - Graph, Segrate.
Nicolodi F., Nicolodi A. & Redaelli, A. (in
press) “Remediation and Rinaturation of a small
lifeless stream: the Project of the Rio
Brovarolo (Milano District – Northern Italy)”. Hydrobiologia, Special Paper. “Ecological processes and
ecosystems: functioning towards water purification”. Editors: S.Ostroumov;
S.McCutcheon, C.Steinberg.
Participation to many post-degree courses for
the knowledge of new techniques in geology.
Member of the town group for the Civil
Protection against Natural and Artificial Disasters.
Computer Knowledge
knowledge of Windows Office 97 Pack, Corel 4.0, CAD (Autocad 14), GIS (Autocad
Map 2.0, Mapinfo and Arcview), Geological programs (like Stereo, Rockplot,
Pumping Test Analyser, ModFlow, GWvistas, Surfer), Lotus Smartsuite 2000, Aldus
Photoshop 5.0. Knowledge of DOS, Windows 3.X and Windows 95/98 systems. Good
knowledge of “Scanner”, Digitizer Table, Internet (with Netscape and Internet
Explorer) and HTML/Java languages (Coffee Cup HTML editor 8.0, Ulead webrazor,
Liquid FX, Java builder, etc.).
Italian (mother tongue).
Knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek.
Good knowledge of English.